Eastleigh Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Centre
Traditional Chinese Medicine is not only used to treat some pain conditions as NHS recommends, but also used to treat a wide range of health conditions and has very effective treatment results:
Muscular-Skeletal& Neurological problems:
Arthritis Back Pain
Frozen Shoulder Headaches / Migraines
Stiff Neck Sciatica
Tennis Elbow Rheumatism
Dermatological problems:
Acne Dermatitis
Eczema Hair Loss
Herpes Psoriasis
Mental/Emotional problems:
Anxiety Depression
Fatigue Insomnia
Panic Attack Stress
Ears, Nose & Throat problems:
Earaches Ringing in Ears
Hay Fever Sore Throat
Dizziness Tinnitus
Internal problems:
Asthma Cold and Flu
Constipation Diarrhoea
Heartburn I.B.S
High Blood Pressure Indigestion
Migraine M.E Palpitation
Genito-urinary & Reproductive problems
Irregular Period Infertility/ IVF assistance
Menopause Impotence
Pre-Menstrual syndrome
Give up smoking / Alcohole Weight loss
... ...
Eastleigh Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Centre Tel: 02380 641208 Email: herbmagic@hotmail.com
Service area: Eastleigh Chandler's Ford Southampton Winchester Romsey Fareham Porthsmouth...
Services @ Eastleigh Acupuncture Centre: Acupuncture * Chinese herbal medicine * Hot cupping * Acupressure * Reflexology * Ear candling *